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Can't connect to the radio?

We are doing our best to keep you connected with us.

If you are having any troubles here are some contributing factors:

Have you tried the basics?

  • Our radio station does not start automaticly. You may want to click your play button on your player.

  • Check your internet connection.

Could be us

We do not have state of the art technology.  â€‹

  • We may test our connection to our encoder to see if everything is in working order.

  • Sometimes we may disconnect momentarily to switch computers.  

  • If the broadcast stops or audio cuts out unexpectedly during playback please let us know.

  • We may need to dissconnect if the owner needs to go away due to other commitments. ​

  • Every two weeks our server provider does a global shut down. If this happens to us and our listeners we will be able to restart the server and get back on air quickly.

Features Regarding the look, feel and functionalities of the Website

Song Info - Our player runs a plugin to display song names​

Other features - The website gets updated when possible, and as needed. 

Quick Disclaimer

Our station may include songs with explicit language, etc. If we play anything that makes you uncomfortable simply mute, or come back in a few minutes. We do not stiffel our artists. However we will do our best to help out if things get out of hand.


If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us

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